
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back To the Grind

After having a joyous ten days off in a row, I schlepped back to work on Tuesday. A big part of me was ready to get back, but there was part that would have liked to have stayed home. I was able to get a decent amount of writing done (more on that tomorrow) while I was off, so that was good.

Suddenly, though, I was thrust back into the work frenzy, and it seemed like everything kicked in all at once. We started a big training initiative the day after I returned, so the first day back we were scrambling to make last minute preparations for that. Then, I had a big Lions Club planning meeting scheduled for that evening. Add the fact that I had to get my rear in gear in the morning and get back to the gym to work off some of my vacation excesses. That meant that I left home at 6:30 in the morning and arrived home a about 10:00 that night--ugh! Can I have another helping of vacation, please.

Still, in spite of work, an exercise, and Lions I haven't neglected my first book. I'm managing to keep things going on the publicity front. Earlier this week I was the subject of an interview on a fantastic blog, The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow. They'd also reviewed The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel just before Christmas. I'm very grateful for their support and encouragement, and I really recommend that you all check their blog out and follow it!

On the local front, I'm working on getting my first major book signing set up. I'll share the details when I get everything hammered out, but it's shaping up to be a nice event. It'll combine books, friends and food--how can you go wrong with that?

As I'm writing this, I can't help but think how much I've been blessed regarding this book. The help--unasked for no less--that I've received has just been overwhelming. From Ana Vogel and her layout, to Daniel Vogel and his cover and illustrations, to my wife Stephanie, Christine and all our friends, to Stephanie and Jess at Secret Files, to the Citizen News and the News Times, and all the friends  who've been so enthusiastic about the book, and on and on. Thank you all so much!

That's it for now. I'll be back tomorrow to talk about some actual writing!


  1. I miss vacation too! I really enjoyed this post. Thanks for the shout out! We are thrilled that we heard about you and your middle grade novel. Your book is well written and I liked going on the adventure with Eric and friends. You are welcome for the support- but it is well deserved! I am excited to hear about the upcoming signing and look forward to finding out more. Wishing you all the best!


  2. As always, I'm most appreciative of your support.I'll be making an announcement about the book signing shortly!
