
Friday, January 13, 2012

A Writer's Week #2--Out of the Shadows

The second week of the year has come and gone. Last week was very productive. This week...not so much. I have to admit that I only got a couple of paragraphs written. I'm optimistic for the coming week, though. I'm right on the cusp of a three day weekend, which means I should have some extra time to write a decent amount.

While nothing much was written this past week, I did polish up what I have so far, and kick around some ideas that could broaden the story.

This book seems to be a little darker than Sharky and the Jewel, not as lighthearted. This new world is a darker place, so far. Still, I think the overall tone will be optimistic and the ending will be good. What the ending will be, I don't know for sure. I think I know, but you never know where the characters will take you.

For instance, Eric & Co. are about to meet someone they weren't expecting. But I discovered someone I wasn't expecting, too. As I was thinking about the scene and how it would play out, I suddenly realized that the one character had become two.

Who was this extra person, coming out of the shadows? I knew who the first guy was--the leader of a people who had been enslaved. But who was this other guy? Then, it came to me, and suddenly I understood. He's the missing link to taking the story from where it is now to a successful outcome at the end.

So although I didn't make much tangible progress on the book, I struck upon an important piece of the puzzle. I also set up my first book signing at a local restaurant, and was able to get a local bookstore to carry a few copies of Sharky. Hmmm, maybe it wasn't such a wasted week after all.


  1. What's more exciting than a book signing??? Sounds like an awesome week! ~ Jess

    1. I was rather awesome. I'm getting some actual writing done this week, which is even more awesome!

  2. Hope you are able to get even more work done this week. Where did the weekend go!?

    1. Got off to a dood start this weekend. Hopefully, I'll get some more done
