
Friday, July 6, 2012

A Writer's Week #26: Full Steam Ahead

This was a busy, hectic week. First off, Wednesday was the 4th of July. I only had the one day off, but I managed to cram a lot of activities into it, none of them being writing. Then, work was busy. People were on vacation, and there were a number of classes that had to be covered. So, hectic, yes, but I managed to make it through.

Most weeks, that would have been enough to totally throw me off my writing schedule. When I'm going in a bunch of directions at once, I usually can't focus enough to do anything but maybe scribble down a few ideas/thoughts for another time.

Thankfully, this week was a different story. I managed to buckle down and carve out a couple hours on the weekend, and a couple more one evening to write. Thanks to my family for giving me the time. Thanks to them, I was able to write almost 2,000 words. That puts me at 30,000 words, 135 pages, and 35 chapters into The Deliverers Book 2.

So, everything is full steam ahead right now. I'm hoping it keeps going that way. Thanks to the dead period I suffered through from mid-April to early June, I've got a lot of ground to make up.

I can now envision most of the remainder of the new book's plot. There are still some elements that are a little hazy, so I'm not out of the woods yet. And I've got a sneaking suspicion that the outcome is not going to happen exactly as I now see it in my mind's eye. I mean, there are always some unexpected twists and turns, courtesy of Eric, Stig & company. They really do have minds of their own. That's exciting, though, because they always seem to make it better.

On the marketing front, I received some very nice reviews for The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel on the book's Amazon page this week. You can check them out here. It's nice to get some feedback. Anyone who has read the book is welcome to review it on Amazon, even if you did not purchase it there. All you need is to have an Amazon account, and to have purchased at least one item from Amazon. When you stop by the book's Amazon  paperback and Kindle pages, please click the "Like" button. That would be very helpful!

This week was busy, but successful. Next week promises to be a busy one, too. Some things don't change! Will I be able to put my nose to the grindstone and move closer to the book's conclusion? I'll let you know next week!


  1. Congrats on the new reviews- that is great. Also- you did a lot of writing this week. WOW! Hope you keep up that pace.

    1. Thanks Flex! The pace is good. I have to write about 2,000 words a week to get back on track. Let's see how I make out. Thanks for reading, and your support.

  2. Hi :-) Really like your site. My sister is an Author and I can understand your schedule fully :-)


    1. Hi Sabrina,
      THanks for following the blog! What does your sister write? I'm headinng over to your blog now.
