
Friday, August 31, 2012

A Writer's Week #34: Back At It

It's almost Labor Day, and just about everyone is back at school by now. That is, except for my children. Our town does not start school until the day after Labor Day. I think my wife has been praying for that day for a couple of weeks now.

The kids, though, are enjoying themselves, which I guess is what matters most. I think they're almost--almost--ready to go back, though. At least they're not complaining about the impending First Day, which I take to be a good sign.

Last week, I had just returned from a great vacation, so I was all rested and relaxed and ready to tackle a busy week of work and writing. 

Well, a week has passed, and surprisingly, I don't feel like I need another vacation already. This week was productive on all fronts. I finished up a long series of training classes that I and a coworker had been facilitating since late March. For the next month, we'll be going out to provide assistance with the system roll-out that was the subject of those training classes. 

On the writing front, I was able to get back on track and write 2,300 words of The Deliverers 2, the sequel to The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel. That means I'm up to chapter 49 and 191 pages. Things are moving along pretty well, and I'm looking forward to finishing and getting down to some editing.

First thing's first, though. It's tough to get a book climax right, and then have the proper wrap up. I tend to like the wrap up take longer when I'm reading a book I like, so it's tempting to go too long. I'll have to be careful. This book will probably be a little longer than Sharky and the Jewel--I'm guessing 230 pages.

Anyway, I still have not come up with a title for this one. I started thinking about this at the end of work today. I listed some names and important things that happen on a piece of paper, hoping that something sparks my creative juices. So far, nothing. I have a feeling it will wind up reflecting an event in the book, I'm just not sure which one right now.

Oh well. I guess I'll just have to keep thinking--and writing. Will I be able to come up with a title? I'll let you know how I make out next week.


  1. I got your email via BookBlogs.ning and I am now a follower. My blog is if you'd like to follow back.

    I love productive weeks! My children are back at school this coming Thursday and I am definitely ready for them to go back :-)

    1. Thanks Sam. I'm now following you!

      Summer is a great time to spend with the children, but having them at school is nice, too.
