
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's Abigail Reading? Junie B. First Grader Boo...and I Mean It!

Well, Abigail is on a Junie B. Jones kick lately. It's really great to see a child latch on to a book series and fall in love with it. It happened this summer with Christian and Harrry Potter. Now Abby is enjoying the exploits of this precocious first grader. This week, she read Boo...and I Mean It!. Let's see what Abigail though about it.

Here's what Abigail says the book is about.

"It's about a girl named Junie B. Jones. Her middle name is Beatrice, but she just likes B because it sounds good. It's around Halloween and she doesn't want to go trick or treating because this boy named Paulie Allen Puffer told her five bad secrets about Halloween--candy corn is not candied corn, real monsters and witches go trick or treating on Halloween, do not carve pointy sharp teeth in your pumpkin or else it will roll in your room while you're sleeping and eat your feet, bats like to land on your head and live in your hair, and black cats can claw you to shreds.

"Junie wanted to dress as Squirty the Clown because she could scare away all the monsters. She would be able to do this by using seltzer to squirt them. She learned this by watching the circus. She went as Squirty, but there was a slight problem. She couldn't get seltzer, because her mother did not want her squirting people.

"She scared her grandmother by hiding behind her wall and jumping out and saying boo. Her grandmother got scared because Junie looked just like Squirty, who had squirted her at the circus. After she was done trick or treating she felt better. She wasn't scared any more."

Here's what Abigail liked best about the book.

"I liked when she scared her grandmother. Her really yelled!"

Was there anything Abigail did not like about the book?

"I didn't like when the whole class laughed at her because she didn't like Halloween. I like Halloween because you get candy."

So, how did Abigail rate Junie B. First Grader Boo...and I Mean It!, by Barbara Park?

She gave it four and a half out of five dolphins.


  1. Junie B. Jones always cracks me up! What a personality! Great review by Abigail. I haven't read this one, but it sounds good (and I LOVE candy on Halloween).

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I agree, candy on Halloween is the best!
