
Friday, October 12, 2012

A Writer's Week #40: Crossing the Finish Line

Earlier this year I likened the writing of a novel to the running of a marathon. You need a lot of endurance. Sometimes you don't think you'll be able to make the finish line.

Well, earlier this week, I finished my marathon. I finally completed the first draft of The Deliverers 2: Order of the Crystal Lion. I have to admit that it was something I was beginning to think wouldn't happen. If you've been following this blog, and my A Writer's Week posts, you'll know that I had hoped to have the book finished every week for the past few weeks or so.

I almost didn't make it this week, either. It took a grand total of 7,500 words in four days to get the book finished. It was by far my most prolific writing week in this whole process. When I started, I thought it would only take 3,000 words or so, but it didn't turn out that way. Once I'd decided that I had to finish the book this week, then I found I was really locked in, cranking out almost 2,000 (my usual weekly goal!) a day.

So now the book is complete, and the rewriting/editing phase begins. I started that today by beginning the rewrite of chapter one. I need to change it because I thought of something better about halfway through the book, but didn't bother to go back and do anything about it until now. I'm looking forward to editing the rest.

For those of you keeping score at home, here are the final stats for the first draft: 60, 250 words, 65 chapters and 264 pages. I suppose that's why I kept underestimating the time it would take to complete the book. I had originally thought it would only be about 50,000 words--who knew!

With my writing frenzy this week, I didn't have any time for other marketing activities. Oh wait, I take that back. I've got my own writer's page on Linkedin. Here's the address: Check it out when you have a chance.

On the audio book front, I haven't heard any more chapters yet, but Jimm Singer has been working hard, and says I'll have some more chapters to review soon . I really can't wait. If I receive them this week, I'll be sure to tell you all about it next week.

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