
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Year Ago Today...

Today marks a special anniversary for me. A year ago today, I started The Deliverers blog. I really can't believe a year has gone by already. Where does the time go? When I first started the blog, I could not imagine what I was going to write about. I just wanted to get the word out about The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel, which hadn't even been published yet.

It all started with a post about the cover artwork for the new book that I had just received. I soon realized that writing exclusively about the new book alone would not only be boring for you, but would not give me enough material  to sustain a fully realized blog. After a few false starts I was able to come up with some regular features that included some thoughts on books from my children, insights into the process of writing The Deliverers 2: Order of the Crystal Lion, and some fun and funny interviews with characters from children's literature and fairy tales.

Along the way, I met a bunch of great people and made some great friends. Thanks to all of you who have shown me such kindness and given me so much support! I've really got to thank Jessica Haight and Stephanie Robinson of The Secret DMS Files of Fairday Morrow. They were the first to comment on the blog. I nearly keeled over when they left their first comment--someone was out there! Since then, they've been nothing but supportive and I consider them good friends. Others have followed and been very supportive, too. Thanks to you all.

The blog has become less a means for promoting my book (although I still do that from time to time), and more a means for sharing what I'm doing writing-wise and just having fun. I love doing those interviews, it gets my creative juices flowing and gives me a chance to be silly.

Now that I've got a year under my belt, my thoughts are turning to the year ahead. What lies in store? I'll be sitting down soon to think up a new regular post to freshen things up. I'd like to do something that appeals to writers, but I'm not sure what. I'll have to think on that some more. On the writing/book side of things, the audio book version of The Deliverers should be out before the end of the year, and the second book in the series will be coming out in early 2013. I'm also planning on launching an author's website in the not too distant future. With all that in the works, the coming year looks to be filled with exciting things. I hope you hang around and see what develops along with me.

Oh, I almost forgot. I'm having a Happy Birthday Giveaway to mark the blog's first anniversary. Click HERE to view the giveaway and enter for your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. The giveaway runs until November 5th, which is the anniversary of the release of The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel.


  1. Happy Blog Birthday! Wow! This past year has really flown by. I remember coming by and reading your blog way back in October and Early November (you snow storm pictures still stand out in my mind). It has been such fun to see how your blog has evolved over the past year. I can't believe all the writing you have been able to do on book two! Also- fabulous about the audio.

    We are so happy to have gotten to blogger/author buddies with you and to have met you in person! Stop by and read our Top of the Heap post- you may notice someone familiar. :)

    Awesome giveaway- I not only entered- but I tweeted about it (even though I want to win). :)

    1. Time sure has flown, you're right! Thanks again for all your support. Your latest post is just the icing on the cake! :) Looking forward to visiting your class again this year. I have a replacement copy of The Deliverers set aside for you!

      Best of luck with the giveaway, and thanks for Tweeting!
