
Friday, November 2, 2012

A Writer's Week #43: The Middle of Phase I

It was another productive week on the writing/editing front. I've completed the preliminary edit for the first half of The Deliverers 2: Order of the Crystal Lion. My editing system consists of three phases. I give the book a read through, fixing punctuation, spelling, and conducting minor rewrites.

During this phase, I also identify areas that need major rewrites, either because a story point has changed or something doesn't work. So far, I've identified two of these. When I complete the first phase, hopefully by the end of next week, I'll go back and rewrite the trouble areas I identified in phase one.

After that, phase three will consist of giving the book another read through to hopefully pick up anything I may have missed previously, and find anything that doesn't sound right. I'm hoping to have everything completed by the end of November. Then, I have to decide if I want to spend the money to have it professionally edited or not. That will hinge on what I've got in the budget, and how good I feel about the book.

So far, I'm feeling pretty good about the book. There are fewer holes and things that have to be shored up than I thought there would be. Of course that could change as the book goes on, because there were a lot of twists that came up later in the book. I'll let you know as I work through the process.

This week was also busy on the audio book front. At this time last week, Jimm Singer had completed 11 chapters of The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel. As of today, he's completed eight more chapters. It all sounds really great. Yesterday, I posted an interview with Jimm along with a sneak peek of the audio book--chapter 14. I'm looking forward to the release of the audio book so that you all can hear it. It makes the book really come alive.

I have another appearance scheduled for November. I will be at the Ladies Day Out event on November 25th in Danbury, Connecticut. Again, if you're in the area, stop on by. I'd love to see you! Have a great week!


  1. Sounds like everything is going well. Best of luck with the edits. I will have to check my calendar for the 25th! Looking forward to checking out the interview with Jimm.

    1. If you're free, stop by! I'd love to see you and Jess. I owe you a replacement copy for your class. The editing is still going well. Thanks for visiting!
