
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What's Elizabeth Reading? Shimmer

Hello everyone. My apologies for not posting yesterday. This week, my schedule is all over the place, so posting will be a little ragged and sparse. I promise to make it up to you next week, though. I've got some great stuff planned.

I am going out of town tomorrow for three days. I'm going to the big city, NYC for a training program for work. Because of that, I'm posting this week's book from the Reading Crew today instead of tomorrow. This week, Elizabeth is reading Shimmer, the next book in Alyson Noel's wonderful series. Let's see what she had to say about it.

Here's what Elizabeth says the book is about.

"I will do an overview of the majority of the story, then you can read it to find out what happens and to get more of the details. This book is the second in the series, so make sure you read Radiance by Alyson Noel first.

"In the beginning of the story, we find Riley and Bohdi on vacation on a tropical island because of what they accomplished in the previous book. Riley sees a large black dog which is supposed to be an omen of death. Seeing as she has been dead for just over a year at this point, she is determined to convince this dog to cross over into the Here and Now, or afterlife.

"As she tracks the dog into the mist with Bohdi and her semi-loyal companion/golden retriever Buttercup trailing reluctantly behind her, she bumps into a girl by the name of Rebecca. She has brown hair and a beautiful dress with satin and bows. It turns out Rebecca was killed in a slave revolt back in 1733. She holds onto her anger and traps the people that died with her in their worst memories within her little world that flesh and blood humans cannot see.

"Now with the help of Bohdi, Buttercup, and a new acquaintance, she has to free all of the souls from their worst memories and convince Rebecca to let go of her anger, and convince them all to cross over to the Here and Now.

"Join Riley as she faces her own worst memories in her attempt to save her friends. I liked this book alot, and it kept me up reading all night because it was so suspenseful. There is nothing I did not like. I gave it five out of five blue dragons."

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