
Friday, July 12, 2013

A Writer's Week #77: Front Cover Reveal

Well here we are at the end of another fantastic week. The Deliverers 2 is getting closer to completion. I know I've said that before, but this time I'm as sure as I can be. I have the final front cover. Ana Vogel sent that to me last week. She just has to sort out the dimensions for the spine and change the color of the font on the back cover. So, while I don't have the whole cover to reveal yet, I'm going to reveal the front cover today. Here it is:

I think it looks fantastic. Illustrator Daniel Vogel did a great job, and layout artist Ana Vogel did an awesome job with the title! Please let me know what you think in the comments below! I'm really excited about this book and I hope you will be, too.

The interior is just about ready to go as well. It just needs some tweaks to the map and the table of contents. Once I have received everything, it will only be a couple of weeks before the release of the book! We're almost there.

While things have been moving along with book two, The Deliverers 3 is also progressing. This week, I sent Daniel a sketch of the map of the Dragon Islands. He's going to use that to begin work on the main map for The Golden Dragon of Ang. The third book will be more ambitious, mapwise. There will also be individual maps of the five Dragon Islands, so Dan's going to have his talented hands full.

I also made some great progress on the writing front. This week I wrote 2,500 words, bringing The Golden Dragon of Ang to 47,000 words, 48 chapters and 205 pages.

Everything keeps moving along. If things continue to go as planned, Order of the Crystal Lion will be out by the end of this month and The Golden Dragon of Ang will be out by January or February of 2014! I'll let you know about any new developments next week!


  1. Very Very Excited Greg!! Paul and I cannot wait to see and read the book!! I love the artwork! Daniel did a great job again! So happy for you!

    Cathy Littleton

    1. Thanks Cathy. Yes, I'm very excited, too. Looking forward to it coming out and being able to share it with everyone! Best to everyone!

  2. Daniel really did an amazing job with this cover! He is so talented. So glad to hear that everything is going well and you are getting so much writing done. Yeah! Can't wait to read this one (again). :)

    1. Daniel did a great job with it. He sweated blood over it, working to get it just right--very dedicated to his art. It's hard to believe he's only 15! I will let you know the moment it's ready, and perhaps hit Lizzy up for a review?
