
Friday, July 19, 2013

A Writer's Week #78: Busy, Busy, Busy

Oh my, where to start? This was the busiest Writer's Week I've had in a long time. I'm so excited, because everything is coming together at once! On Monday, I received the final versions of the cover and the interior of The Deliverers 2: Order of the Crystal Lion. They looked great. Ana Vogel and Daniel Vogel did a great job with the layout and the artwork, respectively. That's the cover to the left if you haven't had a chance to see it yet.

I immediately uploaded them to Createspace and ordered a couple of proof copies. Those arrived today. It was so cool to see the book in person for the first time. We were in the middle of a week-long power outage caused by a freak October snowstorm when I received the first copies of The Deliverers: Sharky and the Jewel, so my first glimpse of that book was by flashlight! Seeing this book for the first time in daylight was so much better.

Then yesterday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by author and blogger Karen Pokras Toz
Proof copies of The Deliverers 2
on her blog. It was great chatting with her about the new book, my computer preferences, and my cats!

Yesterday I had the day off and I spent some time bowling with the kids, which was fun and relaxing. Sandwiched around that, I put together the book trailer. That's always a challenge that I enjoy. Usually I have limited artwork, photos, etc. to use. Then, there's the challenge of finding just the right music. I use a site called Incomptech which run by musician and composer Kevin MacLeod. He's got a lot of royalty free pieces that he will let you use if you credit him. You can also make a donation if the spirit moves you. Check it out.

I usually find something that works with the video I'm making, but the process can be rather mind-numbing. You can search by mood and type of music, but I find that the piece that ends up working is not the one I would expect. This time it took a while to find the right piece, and I had to cut part and loop it so that it was the right length, but it wound up coming out pretty nicely. Here it is:

On top of all this, I managed to come up with an idea for The Deliverers 4! It involves a little bit of time travel back to the American Revolution. Eric will find out a little about his family and have to try to find out why someone is trying to change history!

While all this was going on, I was still able to get a decent amount of writing done on The Deliverers 3: The Golden Dragon of Ang. I wrote 3,100 words, bringing the total to 50,100 words, 51 chapters and 219 pages! I am shooting for a publication date sometime in January or February of 2014. So, what's in store for the coming week? I'll let you know next time!


  1. Holy cow! Look at all that you got done this week! Wow! The new book looks awesome. I really love the cover and I know the story is fabulous. Loved the trailer- I just checked it out! Wishing you the best of luck and hope lots of people will pop over and read your interview on Karen's blog (I really enjoy it).

    1. Thanks for all your kind words! It's always nice to hear them. The interview was really fun. I'm looking forward to this book coming out. I'm working on formatting the Kindle version now, then everything should be all set. Looking at reformatting the Kindle version of Sharky and the Jewel, too. I think I figured out a way to get the artwork in! TTYL!
