
Friday, September 20, 2013

A Writer's Week #86: Getting the Word Out

I've said this before and I'll say it again, my favorite part about being a writer is writing. I'm at the point now where even if no one read what I wrote, I would still do it. Of course, I'd rather that kids everywhere could read my books, but I'm working on that. However, there are other tasks that are necessary and those tasks are what I worked on this week.

First of all, I was featured in a wonderful article in my local weekly paper, the Citizen News. Here's the article (unfortunately, they don't have an electronic outlet yet):

It really was an excellent article. Thank you so much Ellen Burnett and Amanda Nisly!

I have also been blessed with a run on Amazon reviews for both The Deliverers 1 & 2! Right now, Sharky & the Jewel has 26 reviews (22 of them 5-star) and Order of the Crystal Lion has 8 (6 five-stars). Thanks so much to all of you who have read and reviewed the books--it is much appreciated. For all of you who have not written a review, what are you waiting for? It's quick and easy. All that's required is that you have an Amazon account and that you have bought a product on Amazon. So, hop on the bandwagon.

I really don't like to talk about myself, and that always holds me back when promoting my books. However, I am currently lining up a few appearances/signings over the next few months that are pretty exciting. I will update you as soon as I have details. So, that's what's going on in thee publicity department. The Deliverers 2 has had a soft opening without a lot of fanfare, but now that it has some reviews piled up, I'll be appearing here and there to promote it. 

Now, for my favorite part, the writing. I have begun research for the as yet unnamed Deliverers 4. That book will incorporate time travel back to the American Revolution as Eric and friends will have to put a stop to someone who is trying to end Eric's world saving activities by changing history. Since I'll be writing about our world 230 some-odd years ago, that puts a little added pressure on me. I won't be making up a world where anything goes, I'll have to be reasonably accurate--although the main town where the action will take place is made up and many of the people are, too, they'll be based on real places and people. It's going to be fun to write, but also a challenge. I'll keep you posted.

Rewriting and editing on The Golden Dragon of Ang continues to move along. I still believe I'll be finished with it all by mid-October. I've had to rewrite a couple of scenes that were too calm. Now they're more action-packed. There are some other, minor things I'll have to tweak, but I don't think there's anything major left, except perhaps for the ending. I'll have to see how that reads when i get to it, I'm a little doubtful. I need to make sure it sets up book 4 properly. 

Well, I guess that's it for now. Have a great week, and I'll let you know how I made out with the editing next Friday!

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